18 Best Balcony Plants to Dress Up Your Space

Balconies are one of the best ways to add greenery to your home, and they’re also a great way to grow plants that might not do well in full-sun situations. They’re also a great place to show off your green thumb, and you can even have the occasional cocktail party on your balcony if you have enough space.

With the right plants, you can transform a balcony or patio into an outdoor area that looks like it belongs in a magazine. The key is to choose plants that require little maintenance and can withstand the weather conditions where you live.

If you’re new to gardening, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are 18 of our favorite balcony plants that are sure to add some pizzazz to any space, no green thumb required:

Snake Plant

The snake plant is a very hardy plant that can survive in low light conditions, making it perfect for balconies. It also grows well with little water, so you don’t have to worry about overwatering it.

Monstera Deliciosa

The Monstera deliciosa, also known as Swiss cheese plant or monstera vine, is another excellent choice for balconies because it doesn’t need much water or sunlight to thrive. It will grow quickly and provide you with lots of shade from the summer sun.

Pothos Vine

The pothos vine is another vine that is easy to grow on your balcony because it requires very little maintenance and can handle partial shade. This makes it perfect for those with limited space who still want something green to brighten up their apartment.


Lavender is a perennial herb that grows to be between two and three feet tall. It has small purple flowers that bloom from June to August, but you can also trim the plants back to keep them blooming year-round.


Fuchsia is a flowering plant that produces red, pink, purple, and white flowers. The plant grows on vines with stems that can reach up to six feet long. Fuchsias are very easy to take care of and they can grow in sun or shade.

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Alyssum is an annual flower that will bloom all summer long if given enough water and nutrients. This plant also grows well in containers so it’s easy to bring indoors during the winter months if needed.


Caladiums are large tropical plants that produce beautiful leaves in shades of green, yellow, red or orange depending on the variety you choose (some even have white edges).

Caladiums prefer shade but they should be watered regularly so their soil doesn’t dry out completely between waterings.

New Guinea Impatiens

This plant is ideal for beginners because it does not require much water or sunlight. It needs full sun and partial shade to thrive well in your balcony garden. It has showy foliage that makes it perfect for container gardening as well as hanging baskets.


Lobelia is a good choice if you want to add color to your balcony garden during summer months when most other flowers are out of bloom. Lobelia comes in shades of blue, violet and purple and can be used in containers or hanging baskets as well as planted directly into soil beds on your balcony or patio area.


The hibiscus is a gorgeous plant that comes in a variety of colors. It’s also tough and durable, so it will thrive on your balcony. It can be grown indoors or out, but if you opt for indoor gardening, choose a pot with a drainage hole to avoid root rot. The hibiscus needs good sunlight and water regularly.


The torenia is another beautiful plant that will add color to your balcony. It’s particularly good at attracting butterflies and hummingbirds, so if you want some winged friends fluttering around your balcony, this is the plant for you! The torenia grows best in medium sunlight and needs soil that is moist but drains well.


If you don’t have much space on your balcony, consider growing roses in containers instead of planting them directly into the ground. They take up little room, but they look great and are easy to maintain. Roses need full sun exposure, so make sure there’s not too much shade where your rose bush will be planted so it gets all the light it needs.


Herbs are an excellent choice for balcony gardening. They can be grown in pots, and they’re easy to find at most garden centers.

Pots of herbs are a great way to start your balcony garden. Herbs are easy to grow and maintain, they smell good, and they can be used in cooking or as decoration.


Mandevilla is a climbing vine that is small, bushy, and has large leaves. This plant is relatively inexpensive, but it does need some maintenance. Mandevilla needs regular watering and pruning in order to stay healthy. It also needs plenty of sunlight, direct sunlight if possible, so be sure to place it where it will receive lots of light during the day.


Hydrangea plants are beautiful additions to any balcony garden because they have large blooms that are often brightly colored white or pinkish-purple. Hydrangeas need full sun exposure and regular watering in order to thrive, but they’re fairly easy to maintain overall as long as they get enough water during dry spells (which may mean watering once every couple of weeks).


One of the most popular flowering plants for shade, heuchera is low-maintenance and comes in so many varieties that you’re sure to find one that suits your taste. This plant blooms in late spring through early fall with bright pink, red or purple flowers that are long lasting and easy to care for.

Pansies and Violas

Pansies and violas are great to plant in pots because they come in so many different colors and varieties. They are easy to grow, too, and will thrive in almost any condition. The only thing you need to do is make sure that you keep them watered properly.


Lettuce is one of the most popular balcony plants because it can be grown indoors or outdoors depending on the weather. It also works well as a temporary solution if you have limited space because it grows fast and can be eaten within weeks of planting. You may need to protect your lettuce from pests like aphids and caterpillars, but this is easy enough if you know what signs to look for.

Final Words

If you are looking for a balcony garden that is both beautiful and low maintenance, I hope that the plants here will inspire your own ideas. Find ones that are suited to your climate, soil, and preference. With a little research and experimentation, I’m sure you can create your own stylish balcony garden.

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