19 Beautiful Outdoor Plants That Can Handle the Winter

Winter is a great time to get back to nature and enjoy the beauty of your garden. But with the cold weather and snow, you may not be able to enjoy your garden as much as you would like.

Whether you’re looking to add some greenery to your yard or just want to bring some more plants inside, winter is a great time to start growing your own plants.

But with so many options out there, it can be hard to choose the right type of plant for your needs. Luckily there are some beautiful outdoor plants that can withstand even the harshest winters. These plants are sure to make your home look great even when it’s freezing outside.

Geraniums: The Ultimate Winter Flower

Geraniums are one of our favorite winter flowers because they make a great addition to any garden or home. They come in an array of colors and sizes, so there’s bound to be one that fits your style perfectly. And unlike other flowers, geraniums can withstand cold temperatures and even snow.

Hellebore (Helleborus)

Hellebore is a perennial plant that blooms in mid-winter and early spring, which makes it a great option for colder climates. The flowers have a rose-like scent that attracts many insects, birds, and bees into your garden during the winter months when there isn’t much else around for them to eat or pollinate other flowers with.

Hosta (Hosta)

Hosta is another perennial plant that grows well in cold climates and has large leaves which add color and interest to any garden bed or container. They’re easy to care for too: just cut off any dead leaves at the end of each season and they should bounce right back in spring.

Lantana (Lantana montevidensis)

Lantana is an evergreen shrub that blooms all year long, which makes it perfect for sun or shade. It’s also deer-resistant and heat-, drought-, and humidity-tolerant. The flowers come in a variety of colors from reds to pinks, whites, and yellows, so you can find one that fits your taste perfectly.

Vinca (Vinca minor)

Vinca is another shade-loving plant that has beautiful flowers all summer long. Its dark green leaves contrast nicely against its vibrant blooms, making this plant a great choice for any garden bed or patio container. It’s also deer resistant and fairly easy to maintain as long as you prune regularly during the growing season.


Hellebores are lovely plant that can be planted in the spring or fall. The flowers bloom in the winter and have a fragrant aroma that smells like vanilla. They can grow up to three feet tall, so make sure you have enough room for them.

Blue Holly

Blue holly is hardy and does well in partial shade. It can grow up to two feet tall, so it’s perfect for small spaces. The leaves turn bright red during the fall months, which makes it a great addition to any landscape design.


Daphnes are beautiful evergreen shrubs that require little maintenance once established in the yard. They only grow about two feet tall and can spread out up to three feet wide over time. Daphnes produce small white flowers during spring months followed by blue berries during fall months that attract birds into your yard.

Winter Aconite

This winter-hardy perennial has beautiful blue-violet flowers that pop up in early spring. It’s easy to grow, and it’s one of the best plants for shady areas.

Winter Aconite is a biennial, which means it only blooms for one year. After that, it dies back until next spring. You can cut off the stems at ground level or leave them there to turn into seedpods, which will scatter seeds on their own.

Red Twig Dogwood

This dogwood has bright red stems and leaves that make it a great choice if you want something low-maintenance with color in your yard during the winter months. It will grow in full sun to partial shade, so it’s perfect if you don’t have much light available but still want some color in your garden.

Lily of the Valley Shrub

This shrub has flowers that look like little bells and appear in early spring before most other plants start blooming, making them a great addition to any garden if you’re looking for early color. Lily of the valley shrubs are also deer-resistant and easy to maintain, making them an excellent choice for anyone who wants an easy-care plant without sacrificing beauty or variety.

Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)

The snowdrop is a favorite for many gardeners because it blooms early in the spring. It’s also known for its fragrance and delicate appearance, which makes it a great choice for those who like to grow bulbs.

Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)

This evergreen shrub grows best in acidic soil with full sunlight and moist but well-drained conditions. It has dark green leaves that turn red or orange during the fall months and white flowers that appear in early spring.

Camellia (Camellia japonica)

The camellia is another popular choice among gardeners because of its lovely blooms, which appear in early spring before any other plant has bloomed.

They’re also easy to grow since they prefer moist soil but don’t require much upkeep once established.

Winter Heath

Winter Heath is a beautiful evergreen ground cover. It’s easy to grow in most conditions, and it’s hardy enough to survive the harsh winters of the Midwest and Northeast.

Winter Heath is also known as winter heather or heath-leaved barberry. It has white flowers that bloom in spring, but they’re not very showy. The plant makes up for this by producing bright red berries in fall.

Ornamental Kale

Ornamental kale is also known as ornamental cabbage or flowering cabbage. It’s a perennial herb that produces colorful flowers on top of its leaves all year long. The leaves are dark green with white veins, which makes them look like small cabbage heads.

This plant is an easy-to-grow perennial that can survive almost anywhere in the United States and Canada.


This vine is great for covering an arbor or pergola since it has beautiful white flowers and glossy leaves that look great all year long. It’s also known to attract hummingbirds and butterflies, which makes it a perfect addition to any garden.


This shrub is native to North America and produces berries that become red when ripe. It makes a great addition to any landscape because of its unique shade of green leaves and bright red berries in the fall.


This shrub produces small white flowers in early spring that turn into bright red fruits during fall and winter months. The fruit looks similar to cranberries but tastes more like sweet cherries with a bit of tanginess. They’re also considered edible by humans and animals alike.

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