How to Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell in Yard in 7 Steps

Discovering a dead animal in your yard can be an unpleasant experience. Aside from the visual impact, the odor emitted by a decaying animal can be overwhelming. However, with the right approach and a systematic plan, you can effectively eliminate the odor and restore a fresh environment. This comprehensive step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, providing detailed instructions and safety precautions to ensure a successful outcome.

How to get rid of dead animal smell in yard

Identify the source of the smell

The first step in eliminating the odor is to locate the source, which is the dead animal itself. Carefully inspect your yard, focusing on areas where the odor is most concentrated.

Look for flies, maggots, or any visual signs that could indicate the presence of a decaying animal. As you approach the potential source, make sure to wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself from potential diseases and pathogens.

Remove the dead animal

Once you have identified the location of the dead animal, it’s crucial to remove it promptly. Use a shovel or scoop to carefully lift the carcass and place it in a garbage bag or a sealed container.

To prevent any leaks or additional odor, double-bag the animal. It is essential to dispose of the dead animal following local regulations. Contact your local waste management or animal control services for guidance on proper disposal methods.

Disinfect the area

After removing the dead animal, it’s essential to thoroughly clean and sanitize the affected area to eliminate any lingering bacteria or germs. Create a disinfectant solution by mixing one part of household bleach with ten parts of water in a bucket.

Liberally apply the solution to the area where the animal was found, ensuring complete coverage. Use a scrub brush or sponge to thoroughly clean the surrounding surfaces, such as the ground, grass, or any objects that may have come into contact with the animal or its fluids.

Allow the disinfectant solution to sit for 10-15 minutes to effectively kill any bacteria or odor-causing organisms. Rinse and let the area dry completely.

Apply an odor neutralizer

To eliminate any remaining odors, it is crucial to use an odor-neutralizing product specifically designed for decaying animals.

Choose a product that is safe for outdoor use and follow the instructions on the label for application. This may involve spraying the neutralizer directly on the affected area or using granules to sprinkle over the area.

Ensure complete coverage, focusing on the specific spots where the odor is strongest. Allow the odor neutralizer to work according to the recommended time on the product label.

Ventilate the area

Proper ventilation plays a significant role in dissipating the odor. Open windows and doors to promote air circulation in the yard. If feasible, set up fans to blow air out of the area, aiding in the dispersal of the odor.

Leave the area ventilated for several hours or as long as necessary to help eliminate the smell.

Use natural remedies

Additionally, consider using natural remedies that absorb odors to further enhance the process.

  • Baking soda: Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area where the dead animal was found. Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then vacuum or sweep it up.
  • Activated charcoal: Place activated charcoal briquettes or odor-absorbing bags near the affected area. Charcoal is highly effective in absorbing and neutralizing odors.
  • Enzyme cleaners: Apply an enzyme-based cleaner specifically designed for removing organic odors to the area. These cleaners break down odor-causing compounds and are particularly effective in eliminating stubborn odors.
  • Bleach: As a last resort, if the odor persists, you can use a diluted bleach solution (one part bleach to ten parts water) to disinfect the area again. However, exercise caution as bleach may discolor surfaces or harm plants. Always test it in a small, inconspicuous area first.

Monitor the area

After completing the odor elimination process, it is essential to monitor the area regularly to ensure that the smell has been fully eliminated.

Take note of any lingering odors or signs of decay. If the odor persists, repeat the steps mentioned above or consider seeking professional assistance.

Related Questions

Will Vinegar Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell?

Vinegar can help neutralize and eliminate certain odors, including the smell of a dead animal. It has natural deodorizing properties and can be used as a cleaning solution to remove odor-causing bacteria. To use vinegar, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and apply it to the affected area. Scrub the area and then rinse. While vinegar can help with mild odors, it may not be sufficient for strong or persistent smells.

How to Get Rid of Dead Mouse Smell

When You Can’t Find It If you can’t locate the dead mouse causing the smell, the first step is to thoroughly search common hiding spots such as cabinets, crawl spaces, and wall cavities. If you’re unable to find the mouse, you can try the following methods:

  1. Place odor-neutralizing products near the source of the smell, such as activated charcoal or odor-absorbing bags.
  2. Set up an air purifier or use an ozone generator to help eliminate the odor.
  3. Use enzyme-based cleaners specifically designed for removing organic odors.
  4. Ventilate the area by opening windows and using fans to increase air circulation.
  5. Contact professional pest control services that can employ specialized tools and techniques to locate and remove the dead mouse.

Will Lime Kill Dead Animal Smell?

Lime can help mitigate the odor of a dead animal to some extent. It has natural properties that can neutralize odors and reduce bacterial activity. However, lime is not a guaranteed solution and may not fully eliminate the smell, especially if the odor is strong or the decomposition process is advanced. Note that using lime can raise the pH level of the soil, potentially affecting nearby plants.

How to Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell Under Deck

To get rid of a dead animal smell under a deck, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the source of the smell by inspecting the surrounding area.
  2. Use gloves and a mask to remove the dead animal and dispose of it properly.
  3. Clean the area with a disinfectant solution, such as bleach diluted in water (1:10 ratio).
  4. Apply an odor-neutralizing product designed for removing organic odors to the area.
  5. Ventilate the space by opening up access points and using fans to improve airflow.
  6. Consider using natural odor-absorbing remedies like baking soda or activated charcoal.
  7. Monitor the area to ensure the smell has been fully eliminated, and repeat the steps if necessary.

How Long Does It Take for a Dead Animal to Stop Smelling?

The time it takes for the smell of a dead animal to dissipate depends on various factors, including the size of the animal, environmental conditions, and the location of the carcass. In general, smaller animals may stop smelling within a few days to a week, while larger animals can take several weeks or even months to fully decompose and stop producing odor. Proper removal, cleaning, and odor-neutralization methods can help expedite the process.

How to Get Rid of Dead Animal Smells Under Mobile Home

To eliminate a dead animal smell under a mobile home, follow these steps:

  • Identify the access points to the area beneath the mobile home.
  • Use gloves and a mask to locate and remove the dead animal.
  • Clean the area with a disinfectant solution, such as bleach diluted in water (1:10 ratio).
  • Apply an odor-neutralizing product designed for removing organic odors to the area.
  • Improve ventilation by opening access points and using fans to increase airflow.
  • Regularly monitor the area to ensure the smell has dissipated and repeat the process if needed.

What Kills the Smell of a Dead Animal?

To effectively kill the smell of a dead animal, a combination of removal, cleaning, disinfecting, and odor-neutralization methods should be employed. The dead animal should be located and removed promptly. The affected area should be thoroughly cleaned using a disinfectant solution, such as bleach diluted in water. An odor neutralizer specifically designed for decaying organic matter can be applied to eliminate remaining odors. Ventilation, natural remedies like baking soda or activated charcoal, and professional assistance, if necessary, can all contribute to killing the smell of a dead animal.

Does Baking Soda Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell?

Yes, baking soda can help eliminate the smell of a dead animal. Baking soda has natural deodorizing properties and can absorb and neutralize odors. Sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda over the affected area and allowing it to sit for a few hours or overnight can help absorb the odor. Afterward, sweep up the baking soda. While baking soda is effective for mild to moderate odors, stronger smells may require additional methods or professional assistance.


Having a dead animal in your yard can be a real treat, for obvious reasons. By obviously disgusting reasons, I mean that when it comes to getting rid of dead animal smell, you’re going to want to cover it up as fast as possible.

Remember to prioritize safety by wearing gloves and a mask during the removal process, and follow local regulations for proper disposal. Thoroughly clean and disinfect the area, applying odor neutralizers and natural remedies to absorb any remaining odors. Adequate ventilation and regular monitoring will ensure a fresh and odor-free environment.

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