Top 24 Highest Oxygen-Producing Indoor Plants

If you have ever felt the effects of lack of oxygen in your home, then you will know how important it is to have the right plants for your indoor environment. Plants are one of the best ways to improve air quality in any indoor space. They take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which makes them a great choice for homes with people who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Indoor plants are very popular because they add color and texture to a room as well as improve air quality. However, there are some plants that do this more effectively than others, so here’s our list of the top 24 highest oxygen-producing indoor plants:

Snake plant

It is a succulent with thick, sword-shaped leaves. It can grow up to 2 meters tall and is easy to maintain. It only needs watering once a week and can even survive on its own for several months without water.

The snake plant also has great air-purifying benefits and helps remove formaldehyde from the air. It also removes benzene, trichloroethylene and xylene from the air, which are all harmful chemicals found in household cleaning products and detergents.

Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is a popular indoor plant and for good reason. It is easy to grow, tolerates low light, and can tolerate water that’s not too hot or too cold. The Peace Lily is also easy to propagate, so you can share the love with friends and family.

Spider Plant

The spider plant is one of the most popular houseplants and is known for its beautiful foliage and ease of care. It is a fast-growing plant that can grow up to 3 feet tall if given enough light. It requires very little water or maintenance and can even survive without soil or compost. The spider plant grows well in hanging baskets. You can also use it as a backdrop for other plants or flowers by placing it in the back of your planter.

Money Plant

The money plant, also known as Pilea peperomioides, produces air-purifying properties similar to those of the mother-in-law’s tongue plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) and the snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata). The money plant has small green leaves that grow in clusters at each node along its stems; hence, its common name “money tree”. This tropical shrub prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions too.

Rubber plant

The rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a houseplant that can grow up to 30 feet tall. It is easy to care for, but you should keep it away from direct sunlight and drafts. This plant is one of the highest oxygen producers in the world.

Weeping fig

The weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) is another type of indoor tree that can also be grown as a climbing vine. It has dark green leaves and produces small white flowers in the summertime. This plant can grow up to 15 feet tall, so it’s better suited for larger rooms or outdoor areas like patios or porches.

The weeping fig also produces more oxygen than other plants on this list, making it a great option if you have limited space in your home or office building.

Transvaal daisy

Transvaal daisies produce beautiful white flowers during springtime when they are planted outdoors, but they also make excellent houseplants. They prefer bright light conditions and should be watered regularly while growing in pots indoors.

Areca Palm

The Areca palm is a popular indoor plant because it’s easy to grow and takes low light. It can grow up to 10 feet tall, but most people keep them under 6 feet. The leaves are bright green on top and yellow on the bottom. The Areca palm is an excellent choice if you’re looking for something that will give off a lot of oxygen at night.


Pothos is another popular houseplant because it requires little light and has beautiful heart-shaped leaves that are variegated with white, yellow or green stripes. Pothos can be trained up a trellis or hung over the edge of a pot or window sill.

It also produces small white flowers in summer. The plant grows best in indirect light and prefers temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees F during the day and 50 degrees F at night.


The Aglaonema is a popular indoor plant with a wide variety of cultivars available. The leaves are green and glossy but can be variegated in color. The leaves are also very tough and durable.

They do well in low light conditions, making them an ideal houseplants for apartments and offices where windows are small or blocked by trees or buildings. They require only moderate watering and little attention once established.

English Ivy

The English ivy is an evergreen that grows well in low light conditions. It can tolerate dry air as long as it does not get too cold, making it an ideal starter plant for novice gardeners who want something easy to care for. This plant needs to be misted every day and watered when the top inch or so of soil feels dry.

You can fertilize with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer every other month during spring and summer months. While this plant can tolerate direct sunlight, you should keep it out of direct exposure if possible since it will burn easily if exposed to direct sun for extended periods of time.

Sword fern

The sword fern is one of the most popular indoor plants. It has a very natural look, and it’s also very easy to grow. This plant can reach up to 3 feet tall and has huge, green fronds that look like swords! If you want a plant that will take up a lot of space, this is the perfect choice for you. The sword fern is also great if you don’t have a lot of time to spend taking care of your plants since it’s very easy to care for.


Tulsi or holy basil is an aromatic herb in the family Lamiaceae that is native to India and Nepal. It has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years as both an herbal remedy and a spice in cooking. It has many health benefits including improving digestion, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting the immune system, and more. Tulsi is not only a beautiful plant but it also smells amazing.


Orchids are the most beautiful and exotic flowers in the world. They can be grown in your home and they produce a lot of oxygen at night when they are sleeping. You will be able to see that your orchid has increased its size over time if you give it what it needs.


This plant produces a lot of oxygen during the day time because they have large leaves which allow them to do so. The best part is that they are very easy to grow and they look great in any room in your house. You should try to keep this plant outside during summer because it can get too hot inside during this time of year.


This plant is one of my favorites because it does not need much light to live, therefore it can be kept anywhere in your house even if there is not much natural light coming through windows near where your plant is placed.


This plant is one of the best for improving indoor air quality because it can thrive in low-light conditions and produces copious amounts of oxygen. It also helps rid your home of benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

ZZ Plant

This member of the succulent family is a great choice for people who want a plant that requires very little maintenance and has an attractive appearance. It has dark green leaves with purple veins on them and grows slowly so it’s perfect if you’re new to gardening or just looking for something easy to care for.

It’s also one of the best plants for improving indoor air quality because it naturally filters out toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air around it.

Lady Palm

Lady palms are also known as lady finger palm trees and are a popular choice among indoor gardeners because they thrive in low light conditions and require little maintenance. They can grow up to 4 feet tall with proper care, but they need soil that drains well so they don’t become waterlogged or have root rot issues.

They also do best when grown in sphagnum moss instead of potting soil or regular soil mix because sphagnum moss has better drainage properties than other types of potting mix or natural soil.

Barberton Daisy

Barberton daisies (Gerbera jamesonii) are a popular choice among indoor gardeners because they are easy to grow and produce beautiful flowers. They will thrive in indirect sunlight and prefer soil that is moist but well-drained.

The leaves of the Barberton daisy are large and oblong with serrated edges. The flowers come in shades of orange, red, yellow, and pink.

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is a type of houseplant that gets its name from its long stalks with protruding roots that resemble bamboo shoots. Lucky bamboo can sometimes be found growing wild in Asia, however, if you want to grow it as an indoor plant, you’ll have to buy it from a nursery or garden center where it’s sold in kits along with other supplies needed for care such as soil or sand and rocks for weighting down the plant so it doesn’t tip over due to its weighty root system.

Dracaena fragrans

This is a very popular houseplant that produces a lot of oxygen. It’s a slow grower and will eventually produce beautiful, long leaves.

Flamingo Flower

This plant has many names including the flamboyant tree and red princess tree. It’s easy to grow and produces a lot of oxygen. You can even use it as an indoor hedge.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is another easy-to-grow plant that is great for indoors because it needs very little light or water. This makes it perfect for people who don’t have much time to care for plants on a regular basis.

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